The Waste Team is dedicated towards adopting regenerative principles and practices around Waste Streams. Whether you're a Zero-waste enthusiast, a dirt nerd, or want to work to Leave a Better Trace.
We invite you to join us!
Vision: Our Dreams for BRC 2030
BLAST Ideal: Camps utilize reusable items whenever possible, creating closed-loop resource management systems that contribute zero waste to landfills and support environmentally regenerative activities.
What We're Working On
BLAST Baseline Level: Does your camp separate and track waste, recyclables, and compost?
The team's priority is to set-up an accessible, distributed waste collection template and system, with the focus on launching the organics education and collection process. Organics includes compostable food waste, compostable packaging and building materials, and other compostable organic materials.
Continually increasing the capacity of on playa compostable waste collection for composting nearby off playa and providing the compost in support of local community food gardens
Mission: How We'll Get There
BLAST Focus: Reducing, reusing, recycling, pre-cycling, upcycling, and composting.
The Waste Team is focused on supporting camps to integrate the hierarchical Reduce, Recover, and Recycle paradigm into their waste streams practices:
1. Reduce: Stop waste from occurring in the first place
2. Recovery: Redistribute “waste” to those who need it most
3. Recycling: Repurpose “waste” in the most regenerative ways
Ways to Get Started
Camp Waste Management User Guide 1.1
How to organize the best possible waste collection and recycling at your Camp by Juergen Jaschke, Black Rock Sauna Society Camp
This manual offers a straightforward and practical concept, equipping you with the necessary knowledge to organize waste collection and recycling in a way that makes it as easy as possible for both you and your campmates to maximize recycling and minimize landfill waste.
Watch Our Talk About Waste
Burning Man: Green Theme Camp Summit - Waste